Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Home 1 week

We have been home for a week now and it all seems like a distant memory. Every day is filled with such joy and discovery. As of last night both Ruth and Craig are adjusted to the time and sleeping through the night (thank goodness!). Ruth seems very happy, she is eating well, playing with everything, smiling and laughing all the time. Craig is slowly adjusting to sharing everything, we are working hard to each make 1 on 1 time for him. One moment he yells she is playing with his toys and then he is playing with her and her toys or reading a book to her (even though he can't read yet). He does give her hugs and kisses all the time. Craig went back to school Monday and when Jessie went to pick him up Craig got to bring Ruth in and introduce her to the class.
Ruth has her first doctors appointment tomorrow with the pediatritian, and we go to the surgeon next Wednesday to see when they will want to fix her palate.
Jessie is getting the hang of getting 2 kids out the door in the morning (to take Craig to school or gymnastics).
We continue to shop for clothes for Ruth, we expected her to be on the small side but she is a solid 18-24 month size.
Well that is it for now, more to follow.

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

Bob Busby said...


Everyone is SOOO cute (except Bob). Kidding. We love you guys and are really proud of your beautiful family!

Bob Busby
Nicole Jantzi